
Permission – Song

Permission received a crying response suited for an outcast, sprinkled with romance and undertones of sexual innuendos. The song can roust the humblest to a riotous frenzy while caressing to moisture the coldest Queen. The myth of equality is shattered, leaving you immediately understanding you need Permission.

The myth of equality is shattered leaving you understanding “i need Permission.”

Permission – Swag

Permission swelled into a line of swag mooching its tagline “One Rule Supersedes” right from the soul of its lyrics.

Permission – Live shows

Drunk with power from his first word, “I’M,” the narrator speaks flippantly of domination, with command the subservient lover’s formerly directionless life now has a sense of purpose.

Make no mistake. A Permission Lady is not to be toyed with. Powerfully dominating and slowing down for no man. Her presence weather on camera or at live shows makes it crystal clear to the sub-male who is in charge. Supremacy oozes from the pores of this beauty delivering servitude to her victims.

Permission resonates with participants on both sides of the power dichotomy. 

*Point of information!

“One Rule Supersedes” does not welcome the LGBT community to our song, swag or our live shows.


You got the cash?

 Cum in.

Louis DiBlasi 2023

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